Plan Monthly Fee
Trial Period
(1st Month)
Basic $6.95 FREE! 5 3
Premium $8.95 FREE! 15 10

*File attachments limited to 10 MB per file.

All GHOSTMEMO® subscriptions provide web-based inactivity detection and emergency messaging services to subscriber. When subscriber stops responding to our periodic "proof of life" email requests, subscriber's emergency messages on file with GHOSTMEMO® will be e-mailed to subscriber's emergency contacts. GHOSTMEMO® will keep sending these emergency messages to the emergency contacts until delivery of messages is confirmed by emergency contacts.

We offer a 30 day free trial period for new customers so you have nothing to lose! (Your credit card will not be charged if you cancel during the trial period)

Subscription plans can be upgraded, downgraded, or cancelled at any time.

Our Terms of Service: Terms of Service

Our Privacy Policy: Privacy Policy